Integra - Collagen Grinder

Catalyst PDG



Integra Lifesciences came to Catalyst PDG to develop a new drum lift assembly for their collagen grinder. Previously their employees had to manually grind the collagen and lift the steel drum to the grinder head for this process and we integrated automation for a safer and more efficient process.


We implemented a pneumatic lifter system to raise the drum upwards along the grinder post to align the drum correctly and create a seal against the grinder rim. The worker simply attaches the drum to a hook and uses the buttons on the back enclosure to lower and raise the drum as needed.


Product Design Engineer - owner of assembly shown


8 Months


Challenges Met


Complex Assembly

This assembly included many moving parts and fasteners. It had to be designed to fit and move together well and used many types of hardware to secure it together.

Weight Constraints

The pneumatic cylinder sourced provided a certain amount of force that the design had to account for. Sheet metal gauges were determined accordingly and weights and resulting forces and moments were calculated.

Working With Sheet Metal and Machine Shop

This project required multiple trip to the local manufacturer we used and in person discussion of 2D drawing tolerances and production of components.

Client Location

Integra is located in New Jersey (about a 10 hour drive from Indianapolis), which made it critical to get the design right before travelling there. We had to rely on CAD they provided and old parts for test fitting.

Design For Assembly

The order of assembly had to be considered as we had a limited amount of time at the facility to assemble this to the grinder. Detailed part and assembly drawings had to be created to document this for maintenance and re-assembly purposes.


This was a large product that was promised to be executed in a timely manner which drove a high-priority schedule.


Skills Demonstrated

  • Sheet Metal Design

  • Large assembly management

  • Fastener selection and design

  • Pneumatic implementation

  • Material selection

  • Hands on assembly


MPH Speed Gun Pro


FORME - Advanced Lift Attachment